
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ItemSupplierItem
Physical Name : ST_ITM_SPR_STK

A cross-reference between an Item that is identified and managed internally by the retail enterprise and a SupplierItem that is identified and managed by a Supplier.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ItemID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) Item(AS_ITM)
SupplierID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Supplier. ID_SPR Identity integer SupplierItem(AS_ITM_SPR)
SupplierItemID (FK)(PK) The code assigned by the supplier to uniquely identify the ITEM ID_ITM_SPR Identity integer SupplierItem(AS_ITM_SPR)
LastReceiptSaleByUnitCount A count of retail sale unit's last received from a particular supplier for an item. QU_SLS_UN_LS_RCV QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
LastReceiptSaleUnitBaseCost The unit base cost (i.e. the cost excluding charges and allowances) of a retail sale unit of an item when it was last received from a particular supplier. This is used to develop average cost when a given STOCK ITEM is supplied by several suppliers. CP_SLS_UN_LS_RCV MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
AssortmentFlag A code to signify the assortment contained within the receiving pack, eg assorted colors, assorted sizes, etc. The retailer will normally predetermine the assortment with the supplier. FL_ASRT Flag integer
AssortmentDescription The description of the assortment the item belongs to. DE_ASRT DescriptionShort varchar(255)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
SupplierItem is part of ItemSupplierItem
Item is part of ItemSupplierItem

Logical Views containing ItemSupplierItem

Logical View
Logical 01500 - Item Supplier View
Logical 01501 - Item Unit of Measure Types
Logical 21000 - Fresh Item Management Macro View